Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16th - 20th

Welcome back to another wonderful week in Language Arts. It is hard to believe that this is the last full week of school, but the mounting excitement can be felt all over Bromley!

This week, in the eighth grade (and one lucky seventh grade class), students will be presenting to the class, the novels that they have been reading for the past quarter. Students have been given the opportunity to choose a book that interested them and then now share this wonderful story with the rest of their classmates. Students were given the choice of using their technological prowess to create a PowerPoint presentation, or stretch their creative muscles to create a poster presentaion. Either way, I know that we are in store for some fabulous fiction! What a great way to put together a summer reading list!

The seventh grade will be wrapping up their very last creative writing assignment for the year. Students are putting their wild imaginations to good use in order to create a character surrounded by mystery and intrigue . . . a spy! I know that these stories will be sure to thrill!

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9th - 13th

I seems hard to believe but we a re very nearly at the end of our school year. It hardly seems as though nine months have passed, and I know that the next two and a half weeks will fly by!

This week, the eighth grade will conclude Shakespeare's tale of tragic love, and continue to work on their final projects. I cannot wait to see some of the wonderful and creative things that this class will think up!

The seventh grade will be reviewing literary terminology and moving forward with a fun and exciting writing assignment.

What a great way to close the year!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 25th - 28th

Hello all!

While Europe was wonderful, I am so happy to be back at Bromley with all of my wonderful students!

This week, the seventh grade will be working on their final projects for our Anne Frank unit. Students had the ability to choose a project that was particularly interesting to them, from a many exciting options. I can't wait to see the finished products!

The eighth grade will continue their reading of the classic tragedy, Romeo & Juliet. It has been an absolute blast watching the kiddos act and seeing them grasp the material in such an advanced way. Perhaps we have the next Shakespeare in the room!

It looks to be an exciting week, and I am looking forward to every second of it!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 4th - 20th

Hello students and parents, as most of you already know, I will be out of the country for the next few days. I will be returning to the sates on April 21st, but until then, I leave my students and classroom in very capable hands. Ms. Miller will be filling in for me while I am away and I know that she is going to do a wonderful job! While I am gone, I will not be able to update the blog page, or the grade book, so do not be surprised y a lack of activity. Should you need to get in touch with me during this time, you may send me an email. While it will not be every day, I will try to check my mail as often as possible and get back to you as soon I can. Ms. West

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 21st - 25th

Well Spring is in full swing and so in the CSAP. While it is nice for the kiddos to have a chance to show the world how brilliant they are, I do miss seeing them all!

Unfortunately, I will not get the chance to see many of the eighth graders much this week. In the limited time that we have, we will be learning about one of the most famous authors in all of history. Yes, that's right, the Bard himself . . . William Shakespeare! We will be learning about this incredible man so that we may better understand the base for our next unit, Romeo and Juliet.

Luckily, I get to see all of my seventh grade classes this week, and we will be doing some pretty exciting stuff! One class will be stretching their creative muscles to invent an island and then . . . strand themselves there! They will then have the chance to write about their experience while stranded in this perils place! Another class will be finishing up their "Unity Project." A truly wonderful experience indeed. Lastly, another class will be returning to their reading of Anne Frank. Just like an old friend, it has been too long since we have heard from her.

What a week!

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7th - 10th

It is hard to believe, but we have begun the final week of our third quarter! Time really flies when you are having fun! Don't worry though, it only gets better from here!

The eighth graders this week, as well as one of the seventh grade classes, will be presenting their choice books to the rest of their class through an entertaining and informative presentation. Some students have chosen to stretch their craft muscles and create beautiful poster projects, while others have chosen to use their tech savvy to compose their presentations. However they have chose to do so, this is a great opportunity for students to use the literary language they have been learning all year, and express their opinions about literature. I can't wait!

The seventh grade will continue their study and reading of Anne Frank and her iconic diary. Students have gotten the chance to view the war and the Holocaust through the eyes of someone who experienced it first hand, and to identify with Anne, as a typical teenager with her emotions, confusion and thoughtful contemplation.

Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28th - March 4th

It finally feels like spring is on its way, and we are all ready to spring right back to all of the amazing things we are doing in Language Arts!

This week, the eighth grade will continue their study of poetry, focusing on narrative poetry and found poetry. We will also begin working on our final project for this unit. How exciting!

In the seventh grade this week, we will continue our reading of Anne frank and working on our summarizing and inference skills.